The Jesuit Order is since 1814 in complete control of the - obscenely wealthy - Vatican institution (and its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and presently also controls various other organizations together with the
Military Order of Malta, such as the
United Nations,
NATO, various central banks, companies, secret services, and numerous organizations (such as Freemasonry) and societies.The
4th vow Jesuit secret oath ("Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction") also forms the basis for the oaths for other secret societies, like the
Knights of Malta. The content of this secret oath was registered in the
Library of Congress Catalog Card 66-43354, and its authenticity confirmed by ex-Jesuit
Alberto Rivera.Jesuit-controlled Vatican is since 1929 being cast (and accepted) as a sovereign
microstate called
Vatican City, with its own Head of State and cabinet (the
Papal non-hereditary monarchy), central bank (
Vatican Bank), jurisdiction rules (
Canon Law,
Admiralty law), some 147 international agreements (diplomatic treaties which where formerly called
Concordats or Lateran Treaties, which grant the Vatican special national privileges) and a large underground network of
secret archives.Furthermore note that the Jesuit Order, the Catholic clergy and the Military Order of Malta (and many of the other Papal/Royal military orders) have an extremely
patriarchal culture. This type of rigid social structure is one of the main aspects of fascistic groups."The Jesuits have no women. They have no love of a woman. Because to have a wife, to have a woman, means you have an allegiance to your wife and family, and you cannot obey the General. That's why they will NEVER be married, and that's one of the great KEYS to their success. " -
Eric Jon Phelps
Pope Benedict XVI with Jesuit Superior General "Black Pope" Count Hans KolvenbachJoseph Ratzinger, now
Pope Benedict XVI, was himself a
Hitler Youth. Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941. In 1943 while still in seminary, he was drafted at age 16 into the German anti-aircraft corps. Ratzinger then trained in the German infantry, but a subsequent illness precluded him from the usual rigours of military duty.,,1463902,00.html Jesuits & SMOM mafia network is supported by many of the
wealthiest families in Europe and the US (often called the "
Black Nobility"). Examples are the prominent, but certainly not the most powerful,
Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) and the
Rockefeller family (Knights of Malta, who got started using Rothschild financing for American
oilfield exploitations). "These three financial families, the Rothschild's, Morgans, and Rockefeller's all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination. As we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been. They have continued to squander the wealth of America and continually attack its great constitution and civil liberties. Daily, the power of the pope in Vatican City increases. One day they will achieve total power again."
[5]<>These wealthy families function as financial supporters and proxies for the larger Jesuit & SMOM mafia banking operations (eg. see also the Rothschild's' longstanding involvement with the Vatican Institution, and
their role in the
BCCI scandal).

Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Knights of Malta in England. She curtsies to the Lord Mayor in Old London, and visits the Jesuits of Stonyhurst with highest respects shown. She has complete allegiance to the Jesuits of Stonyhurst, and will do anything they tell her to do, or they'll get rid of her just like they got rid of all the rest of the monarchs in Europe. White men rule the world, and these are the High Jesuits, with their High Knights of Malta and High Freemasons. These women who are involved are just pawns in their game, like the queen, the queen of Holland, just to give the appearance that these nations have a sovereign monarch, when in fact, they're just tools.The Jesuit Order, Knights of Malta and Black Nobility people have formed a complex masonic mafia network of global proportions, using many front organizations (infiltrated governments, secret services, Catholic institutions, mega-corporations, financial institutions, Freemasonry, Labor Zionism, and others) with disastrous effects on the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Pope Benedict XVI & the Grandmaster and Prince of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Andrew Willoughby Ninian BertieThese secret societies are ultimately in control of the
Vatican and many other nations, properties and sub-organizations (
United Nations,
Trilateral Commission ,
Council on Foreign Relations,
Bilderberg Group, and to a large extent the
World Bank and the
European Union project, and various other corporations, intelligence services, and religious-organizations (such as
Opus Dei,
Mormons).The "Illuminati" [overseen by Jesuit Superior General, surnamed by the Italians as "the Black Pope"] are the brains behind the "New World Order," and have a global plan for its conception and design. Many of the former US presidents are members of their secret society, including Yale's Masonic Skull and Bones whose insignia was used by the Jesuit Order's Nazi SS. They meet in America at a place in Northern California called the Bohemian Grove.The [Jesuit Order's] military industrial complex, and the shadow government guided by the CFR, have already entrenched themselves (infiltration), but the population doesn't realize it yet. The "Order" in the phrase "New World Order" is really the Jesuit Order, which uses the central bank (Federal Reserve) to fill its treasuries. With wealth and power, there is nothing they cannot accomplish.
JFK Warning Against Secret SocietiesThe Knights of Malta control the great pharmaceutical industries such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme, as they are connected with the Order's Central Intelligence Agency. Knight of Malta Elmer Bobst, past chairman of Warner-Lambert Company (any relation to Luce's Time-Warner Co.) and Knight of Malta – the Romanist and racial Jew – Louis Lehrman, whose family owns the Rite-Aid chain of drugstores, are Papal soldiers. The Church of Modern Medicine tolerates no heresy and uses the sword of government to punish those "obstinate medical heretics" who would dare to truly cure us Americans of our diseases. Jesuits are the giants behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they're busy creating a tyranny with "bread and circus." One they used was Walt Disney, a 33rd-degree Freemason, who gave birth to Disneyworld, Disneyland and since has become a monopoly in the TV and film industry. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they're busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government. Las Vegas, for the most part, is controlled by the Mafia. But all the high Mafia families are Roman Catholic, and they are ALL subordinate to the Pope or to the Cardinal of New York, which is Cardinal O'Connor because the Commission, the Mafia Commission resides in New York.
The Vatican-Jesuit-Masonic mafia network has been the primary origin of high-crimes over the past centuries: wars, assassinations, organized torture, enslavement, religious prosecution, state treason, censorship, history falsification, and judicial and economic fraud .
In the book, Hitler's Pope, John Cornwall's chronicles the life of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII. Pacellli was arguably the most dangerous churchman in modern history. As Pontiff during World War II, not only did he fail to speak out against Hitler's Final Solution, but he personally made the Final Solution possible! In the first decade of the twentieth century, Pacelli was a brilliant Vatican lawyer who helped shape a new ideology of unprecedented papal power. As papal nuncio in Munich and Berlin in the 1920's, he used cunning and moral blackmail to impose Rome's power on Germany. In 1933, he negotiated a treaty with Hitler, the Reich Concordat, which ensured that the Nazis would rise unopposed by the most powerful Catholic community in the world- sealing, by Hitler's own admission, the fate of the Jews in Europe.

Eugenio Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII, signs the "Reichskonkordat" with national socialist government under Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1933.German Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen is sitting on his right.Eugenio Pacelli was described routinely, during his pontificate and after his death, as a member of the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility were a small group of aristocratic families of Rome who had stood by the popes following the seizure of their dominions in the bitter struggle for the creation of the nation-state of Italy... Pacelli's father and grandfather before him owed their distinction to membership of the caste of lay Vatican lawyers in the service of the papacy. the closing days of the war, thousands of displaced persons were scattered throughout a war torn Europe. Intermingled within the crowds of displaced persons were some of Europe's most notorious war criminals, individuals who had the blood of millions on their hands. Just before the end of the war, the Holy See's Secretariat of State conducted a lobbying campaign to provide spiritual and material assistance to the impoverished. The Vatican has "consistently claimed that they were unaware of the identity of those who were undeserving of their humanitarian assistance." In fact, a number of high ranking priests not only knew who these wanted war criminals were, they actively sought these men out, gave them extra assistance and afforded them benefits that very few people received throughout the war years. Years later it became public knowledge that war criminals like Klaus Barbie, Adolf Eichmann, Heinrich Mueller, Franz Stangl and a whole list of other war criminals escaped war torn Europe via the Catholic Church. Most of these men escaped through the work of one man, a Roman Catholic Bishop named Alois Hudal, Rector of the Pontificio Santa Maria dell' Anima. "During the war Hudal served as Commissioner or the Episcopate for German speaking Catholics in Italy, as well as Father Confessor to Rome's German community." Hudal harbored anti-Semitic feelings and his pro Nazi stance was well known throughout the Catholic community. During Hitler's rule, Bishop Hudal often spoke about the unity between the Catholic Church and the Nazi government.

Adolf Hitler converses with the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, at a New Year's reception in Berlin. (January 1, 1935)
Catholic clergy and Nazi officials, including Joseph Goebbels (far right) and Wilhelm Frick (second from right), give the Nazi salute. Germany, date uncertain. [Photo source: Holocaust Encyclopedia]U.S Intelligence agencies knew Bishop Hudal's mission and even helped provide transportation, living quarters and even identity papers for some of Hudal's chosen few. Over 30,000 Nazi war criminals made their way to freedom and a new life. ODESSA was an amateur escape organization when compared to the Vatican RATLINE. A large number of these escaped criminals were not even German, thousands were eastern European collaborators who willingly killed for the Nazis.

Priests give Hitler salute at a Catholic youth rally, Berlin-Neukolln stadium, August 1933.As early as 1947, Simon Wiesenthal began to identify escape routes used by Nazis to escape from Germany. The main route he discovered was from the small Bavarian town of Memmingen to Innsbruck, Austria. From there, it was possible to cross into Italy over the Brenner pass. Wiesenthal later learned the Nazis referred to this as the "B-B" route, from Bremen in Germany to the Italian port of Bari. He also knew that the fugitives had little or no difficulty obtaining false papers and seemed to have enough money available in their new home to establish comfortable new lives. Wiesenthal concluded a secret organization with substantial resources had to be involved in helping fugitive Nazis. The seeds of that project were planted before World War II ended.
By 1944 it was clear that the fortunes of war had turned against Nazi Germany. Many Germans began to anticipate defeat and to plan for that eventuality. On August 10, 1944, a secret meeting of top German industrialists and bankers was held at the Maison Rouge hotel in Strasbourg to devise a means of insuring a secure future for Nazis. Among those attending were coal tycoon Emil Kirdorf, Georg von Schnitzler of IG Farben, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, steel magnate, Fritz Thyssen, and banker Kurt von Schroeder.
The Nazis recognized that Germany's assets would fall into the hands of the rapidly approaching enemy if they were not transferred and hidden. The nation's wealth, much of it acquired through the plunder of the nations it invaded and the people the Nazis murdered, had to be transferred so they would be out of judicial reach, but accessible to fund a future movement to resurrect the party and build a new Reich. Leading Nazi officials also feared retribution from the Allies and, rather than face likely punishment for their war crimes, they decided to seek safe havens outside Germany, and beyond the reach of justice. According to the protocol from the meeting:
The party leadership is aware that, following the defeat of Germany, some of her best-known leaders may have to face trial as war criminals. Steps have therefore been taken to lodge the less prominent party leaders as "technical experts" in various German enterprises. The party is prepared to lend large sums of money to industrialists to enable every one of them to set up a secret post-war organization abroad, but as collateral it demands that the industrialists make available to it exisitng resources abroad, so that a strong German Reich may re-emerge after the defeat.....
The outcome of the meeting in Strasbourg was the genesis of an organization; one well-financed and well-organised, with the express purpose of helping fleeing Nazis escape justice. This organization was called the "Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen" ( "The Organization of former SS members) — better known as Odessa.
Wiesenthal learned of Odessa accidentally during conversations with a former member of German counter-espionage who he met during the Nuremberg trials.The source said the organization was set up in 1946 after many Nazis already had been imprisoned. Those in jail contacted friends and aid committees that had been established to promote the welfare of prisoners. The assistance often went beyond humanitarian aid to abetting their escape.
In short order, Odessa, built a large and reliable network geared to achieve its ends, and began operations. Routes were mapped and contacts were established. Influential Nazis vanished as they were secretly ushered out of Germany and assisted in starting new lives under false names in foreign countries. At the end of the war, only a handful of high-ranking Nazi officials stood trial. Many who were guilty of war crimes escaped with the help of Odessa.
Some war criminals remained in Germany and took on new identities, managing to get themselves smuggled out of Germany and to freedom during the chaos at the end of hostilities. An underground network called "Die Spiner" (The Spider) supplied false papers and passports, safe houses, and contacts that could smuggle war criminals across the un-patrolled Swiss borders. Once into Switzerland, they moved on quickly to Italy, using what some called "The Monastery Route." Roman Catholic priests, especially Franciscans, helped Odessa move fugitives from one monastery to the next until they reached Rome. According to Wiesenthal, one Franciscan monastery, Via Sicilia in Rome, was virtually a transit station for Nazis, an arrangement made possible by a bishop from Graz named Alois Hudal. Wiesenthal speculates that the motive for most of the priests was what he viewed as a misguided notion of Christian charity. Once in Italy, the fugitives were out of danger, and many then dispersed around the globe.
Some countries may not have known about their new immigrants' pasts, but many did and chose to look the other way. Others, including the United States, looked to exploit the knowledge of Nazis. Fascist countries, such as Spain under Franco, as well as those in South America, became safe havens. The establishment of the state of Israel after World War II led some Arab nations to welcome Nazis who shared their hatred of the Jews in the hope they would use their experise in areas such as rocketry to tilt the balance in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Adolf Eichmann was one of the most notorious of the Nazis to escape Germany thanks to
ODESSA, but he was eventually captured in South America by Israeli Intelligence agents and brought back to Israel to stand trial for his crimes against the Jewish people.
The Catholic Church not only intentionally helped Nazi war criminals escape justice, but helped them establish new lives in foreign countries. The Vatican used every means at their disposal to assist war criminals, including dressing SS officers in priests clothing and laundering hundreds of millions of gold bullion through Vatican banking channels.
Wealth plundered by the Nazis from their victims has been traced to banks in Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal and other neutral countries that were secretly helping the Nazis stash stolen gold or launder it to buy war materiel. One state after another has reluctantly opened its archives and banking records to aid the search, with one glaring exception: the Vatican.
So far the Vatican has flatly refused to allow investigators access to its archives, despite repeated pleas from several nations and from Jewish groups. A task force headed by the US Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat is expected to issue a report that questions the Vatican's wartime financial dealings. And mounting evidence suggests that plunder from the Ustasha, Croatia's pro-Nazi fascist government during the war, with the aid of Croatian Catholic priests, made its way to Rome. Some of it was used to help Croatian war criminals flee to South America.
From 1941 to 1945, the Ustashas exterminated an estimated 500,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and looted their property. They demanded 1,000 kilograms of gold from the Jews of Zagreb, only to ship them to concentration camps and kill them anyway. The Croatian Catholic Church was closely entangled with the Ustashas: in the early years of the war, Catholic priests oversaw forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs while Franciscans distributed propaganda.
Several high Catholic officials in Yugoslavia were later indicted for war crimes. They included Fr. Dragutin Kamber, who ordered the killing of nearly 300 Orthodox Serbs, the "hangman of the Serbs" Bishop Ivan Saric of Sarajevo, and Bishop Gregory Rozman of Slovenia, a wanted Nazi collaborator. A trial in 1946 resulted in the conviction of a half-dozen Ustasha priests, including former Franciscan Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, a commandant of a concentration camp where the Ustashas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a brutality that shocked even the Nazis.
As more secret documents become public, it is Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic, who emerges as the most significant player of all. The Franciscan had been a senior official of the Ustasha committee that handled the forced conversion of the Serbs. In 1943, the Ustasha arranged with the Church for Draganovic to be sent to Rome. There he served at a seminary of Croatian monks that was in fact a center of clandestine Ustasha activity. He also became the Ustasha's unofficial emissary at the Vatican and liaison to the Vatican organization to aid war refugees. Draganovic and collaborators such as Fr. Golik provided the means and support, including forged Red Cross passports, for a number of Ustasha war criminals to escape justice. Through an underground railroad of sympathetic priests known as "the ratline", the Ustashas were able to escape to neutral countries, primarily Argentina. Virtually the entire Ustasha leadership went free.
The day that Germany capitulated 288 kilograms of gold were removed from the Croatian National Bank and state treasury. Some of that landed in Draganovic's hands. Called the "Golden Priest", he doled it out to Croatian refugees, including Ustasha soldiers. He was never charged and returned to Yugoslavia, in 1983.
A memo that surfaced last summer prompted the State Department's interest, but the Vatican swiftly dismissed it, saying the charges could not be true. Other reports mention Ustashas meeting Vatican officials, living in the Vatican; even being hidden at the pope's summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo and driving cars with Vatican plates in Rome.
The Vatican's tolerance of the Ustasha during the war was no secret, but though they insist they have nothing to hide, they refuse outside researchers free access to their archives because the collection contains sensitive personnel files. As a general rule, the Vatican says it releases church documents only after about 75 years, but outside observers contend it is much rarer than that. 3/25/97
A lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, filed in San Francisco Federal Court in November 1999 by Serb, Jewish, and Ukrainian Holocaust survivors against the Vatican Bank and Franciscans seeks return of Nazi loot stolen from wartime Yugoslavia. According to a 1998 US State Department report, the money known as the Ustasha Treasury, is thought to have been concealed in the Vatican and used in part to fund the escape of Nazi and Croatian war criminals to South America. The Franciscans acted as facilitators and middlemen in moving the contents of the Ustasha Treasury from Croatia to Austria, Italy and finally South America.
CNN: Vatican drawn into scandal over Nazi-era gold - July 22, 1997BBC NEWS: Vatican to release Nazi filesBBC NEWS: Vatican opens secret Nazi filesNazi Gold and the Vatican: How Rome saved Fascists for a pricePictures illustrate Nazi link to Catholic Church Understanding the Vatican During the Nazi PeriodHow the the Papal State collaborated with fascism in the Balkans Nazi GoldEarly September 1978, Pope John Paul I asks his secretary of state, Cardinal Jean Villot, to initiate an investigation into Vatican bank operations. September 28, 1978, John Paul I presents Cardinal Villot with a list of people who are to be transferred, asked for their resignations, or reassigned. All the people on the list are suspected to be members of the Freemason's group "P2." The reshuffle of power will have major implications for the existing Vatican power structure and its financial dealings. It would set the Church in new directions - directions that Villot, and the others on the list who were about to be replaced, considered highly dangerous. There was one common denominator, one fact that linked each of the men about to be replaced whichVillot and the Pope were aware of... Freemasonry. The evidence the pope had acquired indicated that within the Vatican City State there were over one hundred Masons, ranging from cardinals to priests. Moreover, an illegal Masonic lodge called P2 had penetrated far beyond Italy in its search for wealth and power, and formed links with priests, bishops, and cardinals. That evening, September 28, 1978, 33 days after his election, Pope John Paul 1, "the smiling pope", was declared dead. No official death certificate has ever been issued. No autopsy ever performed. His body was hastily embalmed. Cause of death: Unknown. John Paul II replaced John Paul I and none of John Paul I's instructions to Villot before his death were carried out. Vatican business continues...,9171,951191,00.html"National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity.... For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of to-day, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life... These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles! And I believe that if we should fail to follow these principles then we should to be able to point to our successes, for the result of our political battle is surely not unblest by God." - Adolf Hitler, in his speech at Koblenz, to the Germans of the Saar, 26 Aug. 1934
"We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls.... We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity... in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people." - Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928, Bundesarchiv Berlin-ZehlendorfThe great truth is that Rome never died, but rather became the Roman Catholic Church. That great power of the Roman Emperor now resides in Papacy. Thus, anyone or any nation opposing RCC or the Papacy's global world domination will be met with deadly inquisition. The three big defenders of the Roman Catholic faith were Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco. All three had concordats with the Vatican. When the Nazi war machine swept through the Balkans on the way to attack Russia, Yugoslavia had become a Nazi occupied country.
We did not win World War II, but rather the Nazi war machine, its sciences, propaganda and top minds were merged into the American Military Industrial Complex via Operation Paperclip, the Ratline, and other such means. The police state, globalized government in which has built up around us today is the continued plan of the Jesuit-Vatican-Roman elite.
Kristallnacht: 9/11/1938Hitler Zionist AllegationA short expose of the Roman Catholic Vatican sponsored
Nationalsozialistische Nazis
Vatican NazisCatholic-NazisOPERATION RATLINE
How Nazi war criminals escaped into Argentina after WWII
It was a massive operation that only one entity could've pulled off.
Part 1/3 -
Part 2/3 -
Part 3/3Jesuit-SMOM-Vatican & Black Nobility
Vatican/Jesuit/Illuminati-Black Nobility occults control the world.
A look in to the groups and secret societies that control the world.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4The Secrets of the JesuitsAlberto Rivera and others who have first hand experience and
information on the infiltration of the jesuits into all walks of life.
Jesuit Infiltration into AmericaJesuit Fascism, the takeover of America & Alt. MediaSkull and Bones and The Castle of Darkness
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3